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Elena Lamberti

Professoressa ordinaria

Dipartimento di Lingue, Letterature e Culture Moderne

Settore scientifico disciplinare: L-LIN/11 LINGUE E LETTERATURE ANGLO-AMERICANE


Lamberti, Elena, Recensione a: Landscape and Memory in Post-Fascist Italian Film: Cinema Year Zero by Giuliana Minghelli - Review by Elena Lamberti, in Italian Americana, Providence, RI, The University of Rhode Island/Providence Campus, 2015, pp. 118 - 119 [recensione]

Lamberti, Elena, MOBILE INTERVENTIONS BLQ, 2015. [mostra o esposizione]

Lamberti, Elena, MOBILE INTERVENTIONS KLU, 2015. [mostra o esposizione]

Lamberti, Elena, MOBILE INTERVENTIONS YUL, 2015. [mostra o esposizione]

Dominic, Mancuso; Vince, Mancuso; Kim, Sawchuk; Giuliana, Cucinelli; Elena, Lamberti, MOBILE INTERVENTIONS YVR - On Ice, 2015. [mostra o esposizione]

Dominic, Mancuso; Vince, Mancuso; Kim, Sawchuk; Giuliana, Cucinelli; Elena, Lamberti, MOBILE INTERVENTIONS YVR - On Ice, 2015. [mostra o esposizione]

Lamberti, Elena, MOBILE INTERVENTIONS YVZ, 2015. [mostra o esposizione]

Lamberti, Elena, Vortexes, Spirals, Tetrads: McLuhan’s Hyper-Language as a (Digital) Tool for (Old and New) Storytelling, «BETWEEN», 2015, Vol. IV N. 8 (2014), pp. 1 - 34 [articolo]

ELENA LAMBERTI, “When New Technologies Are Old: Re-Thinking about Electric Communi(on)cation in the Age of Social Media”, in: McLuhan. Social Media Between Faith and Culture, Ottawa, Legas Publishing, 2015, pp. 97 - 110 (atti di: "McLuhan. Social Media between Faith and Culture", Toronto, September 21-22 2012) [Contributo in Atti di convegno]

Lamberti, Elena, “Betrayals and Smells: on the Italian (Mis)Interpretations of Understanding Media”, «JOURNAL OF VISUAL CULTURE», 2014, Volume 13, Number 1, April 2014, pp. 67 - 69 [articolo]


E. LAMBERTI, “Introduction”, in: WRITING OUR WAY HOME, Toronto, Guernica Editions, 2013, pp. 11 - 18 [prefazione]

LAMBERTI E., "Del qué al cómo, del medio al contexto.Orígenes literarios de los estudios mediáticos de McLuhan", «INFOAMÉRICA», 2012, 7-8 2012, pp. 43 - 59 [articolo]

E. Lamberti, Marshall McLuhan’s Mosaic. Probing the Literary Origins of Media Studies, TORONTO, University of Toronto Press, 2012, pp. 326 . [libro]

E. Lamberti, “Memory between old and new media. Rethinking storytelling as a performative practice to process, assess and create awareness of change in the world of secondary orality”, «ESSACHESS», 2012, Vol 5no. 2(10) / 2012, pp. 227 - 244 [articolo]